Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fishnets and Invitations

Hello Blog.

Maybe I would feel more inspired to write if I knew that people actually read...Unfortunately, I know that they do not.

I haven't written on this in a while, namely due to the fact that I have spent the last 20 or so days making all of my wedding invitations. I was well pleased with them.

I decided that sending them out was a little bit like becoming an empty nester. I spent so long creating them into what they would become and then, one day, they went out into the world to make an impact. Yes, part of them will return to me, but only part, as they have been altered by those they have encountered. Some won't even return at all, but that only accounts for the poopfaces who don't RSVP.

Tyler and I did not go to the ballroom dance. I was happy about it. I wanted to preserve the memory of the dance from sophomore year, when we showed everyone our kickin' moves. This year the lessons had a different teacher and a different kind of swing and people weren't really going, so...we went to Red Robin instead and I had a chicken burger.


On Wednesday, Amanda, Amanda, Ingrid, and I gave a presentation in Psych of the Intimate Relationship on what men find to be immediately attractive physical or evident characteristics in a woman. This, in the end, was the ideal.

She hasn't any unsightly body hair, shows herself to be sexually available (fishnets), is tan (under that dress), has a .7 waist-to-hip ratio, has a longer ring finger, shows that she has an active, healty lifestyle, gives other parties direct eyes and a smile, has symmetrical facial features (big eyes, prominant cheekbones, full lips, small nose), wears red, has long and healthy hair, and is about to ovulate.

I'd better write my Adult Psych response. Sad face.

Tyler and I will be married in less than three months. Happy face.

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